Work, Play, Love
Hogar Heroes
Boys’ Orphanage Hogar Miguel Magone
Boys’ Orphanage In Guatemala
Founded in 1997, Hogar Miguel Magone is a boys’ orphanage located just outside of Guatemala City. The shelter offers stability and safety to 75 boys aged 3 to 16, who are often victims of abuse and neglect. With a full staff of caretakers, teachers, counselors, and administrators, Hogar Miguel Magone is more than just a boy’s orphanage. It’s a home. The home serves both orphaned boys and local children in need. Before the completion of the neighboring girl’s orphanage—Maria Auxiliadora Hogar—Hogar Miguel Magone also met the daytime needs of orphaned girls, including siblings of the resident boys.
Our Work
In May 2010, Kim and Steve Melia traveled to the boys’ orphanage to volunteer. Their experience planted the seed for the Hogar Heroes project, as they realized there was still much to be done to improve the lives of both the orphan boys and girls in the area. Work, Play, Love, was originally focused exclusively on supporting the needs of the Hogar Miguel Magone. For several years, we provided ongoing monetary support and volunteer service for the boys’ orphanage in collaboration with the Orphan’s Hope Project. Today, however, the needs of the girls’ orphanage in the area has become a priority.
In addition to providing monetary support, we also schedule regular trips to Guatemala to connect volunteers with the physical and personal needs of the orphanages and the children they house. Volunteer activities can range from simply spending time with the children to helping build a home in the area or otherwise improving the facilities. Our objectives with each trip are based on the current needs of the facilities, working in close collaboration with the administrators and directors.
Our Goals
Work, Play, Love and the Hogar Heroes program has shifted to offer more support to the recently opened girls’ orphanage, Maria Auxiliadora Hogar. But helping all orphans in the area remains a critical goal. Our current objective is to collect $5,000 per month through the Hogar Heroes campaign to support the girls’ orphanage. All excess funds are then used to support the boys’ orphanage, the village children and other projects like a new girls’ school in the area.

How You Can Help
By donating to the Hogar Heroes project, you can help us make a difference in the lives of these very special children. Your orphan donation will go a long way toward supporting the continued operation of both the boys’ and girls’ orphanages as well as to help the other children in the area.
In addition to donating, we also encourage you to consider joining one of our volunteer trips to the homes. Help us make a positive difference in the lives of these orphaned children. Become a Hogar Hero today.

Spread The Word
Help us spread the word about Hogar Heroes by sharing this page with your friends and family!

Join one of our scheduled trips to the orphanages or get in touch to learn how you can set up a trip to Guatemala with your group.