Work, Play, Love – Hogar Heroes

Be a difference maker

Child Sponsorships In Guatemala

Work, Play, Love and the Hogar Heroes campaign is an orphan children charity that was established to help the children of Guatemala, with a primary focus on caring for and supporting orphans in the area. As a non-profit 501c3 company, the majority of our funds go to support the Maria Auxiliadora Hogar, a girls’ orphanage that we funded to build outside of Guatemala City. Any excess funds are used to provide assistance to the boys’ orphanage next door as well as to a new girls’ school in the area. The orphanages also serve as a haven for children in the village to learn, play and simply enjoy the opportunity to be kids.

Become a Hogar Hero. Help the orphan children of Guatemala today.

Support Children In Need

The situation for children in Guatemala’s rural villages is alarming. According to the most recent statistics, Guatemala has one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world. As a result of inadequate nutrition, nearly 50 percent of all Guatemalan children suffer from stunted growth and other serious health issues. For Guatemalan children like the ones who visit the orphanages, the future can be bleak. Many children are unable to attend school and must attempt to provide income for their families. Subsequently, 1 in 4 will not be able to read and write once they reach adulthood. Simply put, the situation for children in Guatemala is dire. They need your help.

What We Do

The vital services and support that the orphanages provide makes them beacons of hope for children in the surrounding villages, even those who are not orphans themselves. Each day, many village kids visit the orphanages to learn, eat, and play. Alongside the orphans who reside in the orphanages full-time, these village children are fully included in the outreach, education, and supportive services of the orphanages.

From individualized education and field trips to play time and nutritious meals, Hogar Heroes works to meet the needs of all children in Guatemala. Rather than just to sponsor a child in Guatemala on an individual basis, all money collected from donations goes directly toward supporting the operations of the orphanages and the children as a whole. Your donation will help all of the children in the area.

How You Can Help

Donate Today

Please consider offering a one-time donation or a monthly contribution to support the orphanages and the village children in the area. Become a Hogar Hero today.


If you are interested in volunteering in Guatemala, we invite you to join on us on one of our pre-planned service trips. These trips attend to the current critical needs of the orphanages. Visit our volunteer page, and contact us for more information.

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Join one of our scheduled trips to the orphanages or get in touch to learn how you can set up a trip to Guatemala with your group.

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