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An Age of Expansion- Approaching Our 10th Anniversary with New Visions for Doing MORE

An Age of Expansion- Approaching Our 10th Anniversary with New Visions for Doing MORE

What we know in our core is that when we reach out and ask for support from you, you respond with everything you’ve got. We are working tirelessly behind the scenes to make this world a better place, but you are the real heroes of this story. 

Whenever we have committed to a new cause, even if we struggle to meet our goals, something bigger than us always makes it happen on behalf of these incredible children. Of course, there are times when we have to delay or budget a tad more conservatively, but your commitment to the growth we are embracing is most notable and quite remarkable. We are grateful to each and every one of you who has made our dreams a reality. Just like the airplane the Wright brothers envisioned, we have goals to soar by way of acts of service as we touch the lives of those who are less fortunate than we are.

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Fully Sustainable Solutions in Mexico!

Fully Sustainable Solutions in Mexico!

On a thin strip of land that rests on the shores of Lake Chapala, in Jalisco, Mexico, you will find one of the oldest indigenous peoples in the world. The Coca people lived happily and peacefully for centuries until a storm of industrialization reached the...

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Voluntourism: Does it REALLY help?

Voluntourism: Does it REALLY help?

Voluntourism is a buzzword these days. A mash-up of Volunteer and Tourism, the idea is a vacation with a purpose. A global nonprofit primarily serving orphans in Guatemala, Work, Play, Love offers select trips to donors who express interest.    “We’ve been...

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Music’s Effects on Brain Development

Music’s Effects on Brain Development

Music is humanity’s oldest form of communication; it has been used for millions of years and is commonly referred to as a “universal language”. No matter someone’s ethnic background, home country, or first language, most would easily be able to tell if...

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